The European Commission clears Sydsvenska Kemi’s acquisition of Perstorp

The European Commission today announced its decision to clear Sydsvenska Kemi AB’s acquisition of Perstorp AB already in the first phase of its investigation. Sydsvenska Kemi is owned by the Industri Kapital 2000 Fund.
Clearance was given after certain commitments had been made by Sydsvenska Kemi to address the competition concerns identified by the European Commission. The commitments consist of the undertakings to divest Perstorp’s Swedish resins activities and one formalin plant in Sweden and to divest Dynea’s contract manufacturing of certain resins in Germany to one or several competitors.
“We are very pleased with the European Commission’s prompt decision to clear the transaction and to accept the proposed commitments. The prompt decision is positive both for Perstorp’s operations and for Perstorp’s shareholders,” says Harald Mix, CEO of Sydsvenska Kemi.
Regulatory approvals from other relevant authorities are expected to be received before the acceptance period for the offer to shareholders in Perstorp expires on 6 June 2001.
For further information, please contact:
Harald Mix, CEO of Sydsvenska Kemi, +46 8 678 95 00
Michael Rosenlew, Board Member of Sydsvenska Kemi, +46 8 678 95 00
Anne Holm Rannaleet, Information Director of Industri Kapital, +46 8 678 95 00
Stockholm, 11 May, 2001
Sydsvenska Kemi AB
Board of Directors
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