Press release from Sydsvenska Kemi

At Perstorp AB’s Extraordinary General Meeting on July 9, 2001, Sydsvenska Kemi AB will propose the election of a new Board of Directors for Perstorp AB consisting of the following members: Hans Larsson, Stig Gustavson, Harald Mix and Michael Rosenlew. Hans Larsson will be proposed as Chairman of the Board. Proposals regarding additional members will be announced at a later date.
The Board also intends to appoint Lennart Holm as acting CEO and First Deputy CEO and Inge Pettersson as Second Deputy CEO of Sydsvenska Kemi AB. A proposal will also be made to Perstorp AB’s Board of Directors that the aforementioned persons are appointed to corresponding positions within Perstorp AB.
Stockholm 28 July 2001
Sydsvenska Kemi AB (publ)
Board of Directors
For further information:
Harald Mix, Sydsvenska Kemi, phone: +46 8 678 95 00