Above 99 percent acceptance level in Sydsvenska Kemi’s offer for Perstorp

At the end of the acceptance period of Sydsvenska Kemi AB’s offer to the shareholders and holders of convertible debentures issued by Perstorp AB, shareholders representing 8,527,724 A-shares and 62,516,029 B-shares in Perstorp had accepted the offer, together equalling 99.2% of the share capital and 99.5% of the votes of all shares in Perstorp. The offer was announced on March 22 and the acceptance period expired on July 4.
New member of the board in Sydsvenska Kemi
At the Extraordinary General Meeting in Sydsvenska Kemi AB on 9 July 2001, Fredrik Arp was elected to the Board of Directors. Sydsvenska Kemi AB’s Board of Directors now consists of the following members: Hans Larsson, Fredrik Arp, Stig Gustavson, Harald Mix and Michael Rosenlew.
Stockholm 10 July 2001
Sydsvenska Kemi AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Harald Mix, Sydsvenska Kemi, phone +46 8 678 95 00
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