Sydsvenska Kemi’s partial offer for Pergo unconditional

Sydsvenska Kemi AB declares the partial offer to the shareholders in Pergo AB as of 19 June 2001 unconditional and will acquire 2,551,020 shares in Pergo, equalling 14.3 % of the total number of outstanding shares in Pergo, for a cash consideration of SEK 250 million.
At the end of the acceptance period on July 17, shareholders had tendered 12,348,818 shares in Pergo in the partial offer. As the partial offer is an offering for not more than 2,551,020 shares in Pergo, a proportional reduction of the number of shares tendered has been made in accordance with the terms for the partial offer. This implies that approximately 20.7 % of the number of shares tendered by shareholders will be acquired by Sydsvenska Kemi. The remaining shares tendered but not acquired under the partial offer will be returned to each respective shareholder.
Settlement will commence as from 27 July 2001.
Stockholm 20 July 2001
Sydsvenska Kemi AB (publ)
For further information:
Harald Mix, CEO of Sydsvenska Kemi, phone: +46 8 678 95 00
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