Industri Kapital sells Guldfynd to Albrekts Guld

The Industri Kapital 1989 Fund and the management of Guldfynd have signed an agreement regarding the sale of all shares in Guldfynd AB to Albrekts Guld AB.
“It is satisfying that Guldfynd will get a new owner that can develop the company’s full potential and furthermore has sound knowledge of the business. Albrekts acquisition of Guldfynd is a natural step in the ongoing industry consolidation”, says Hannu Ryöppönen, Director of Industri Kapital.
“We know Guldfynd and Hallbergs as two fine companies and we are looking forward to the possibility of developing them together with Albrekts Guld. Through economies of scale we believe that the costs in the new company can be further reduced. This gives us the possibility to offer our quality merchandise at very competitive prices, which in turn will benefit the consumer”, says Sten Warborn of Albrekts Guld.
For further information please contact:
Björn Savén, VD, Industri Kapital, +46 8 678 95 00
Hannu Ryöppönen, Direktör, Industri Kapital, +44 20 7304 43 00
Sten Warborn, VD, Albrekts Guld, +46 340 645 400