Mecenat Adds New Affinity Group to its Focus through Acquisition of Seniordays

With more than 1.3 million students and alumni as its members, Mecenat (“the Company”) is a leading marketing channel for vendors looking to reach young individuals in Sweden.
Through the acquisition of Seniordays the Company will add another attractive affinity group, of c. 130,000 members, consisting of the increasingly more digitally active consumer category of individuals over 55. Seniordays has displayed strong growth and is expected to have a turnover of MSEK 10 during 2021.
“Seniordays has a corporate culture and business model that is well aligned with Mecenat and has a strong focus on offering unique and relevant discounts to its members, translating into a high conversion rate for its customers. Mecenat has already successfully expanded its student member base to include alumni and will now be able to offer its customers an equally efficient marketing channel towards those over 55. I am convinced that this will have a positive impact on both sides leading to an even better offering to our members”, said Jonas Levin, CEO at Mecenat AB.
For more information contact:
Jonas Levin, CEO at Mecenat AB
Tel: 070 689 19 01
Email: jonas.levin@mecenat.com
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