Third Bridge
Global primary research provider, with unique insights into markets through industry experts
Third Bridge (“the Company”) is a fast-growing primary research provider with a global footprint. The Company provides its clients with unique insights into companies and markets through access to industry experts and market research. By leveraging its internal expert base and utilising its research analysts, Third Bridge can identify the most appropriate experts based on the client needs.
The Company serves a client base of over 950 customers, including consulting firms, private equity and debt funds, hedge funds and corporates. Third Bridge has a global footprint, with 12 offices covering the US, Asia and Europe.
IK Partners reinvested in Third Bridge alongside Astorg following the exit of IK Small Cap I Fund in February 2021.
What Attracted us to the Business
- High growth and internationalisation track record to become one of the global leaders
- Recurring and visible revenue streams
- Strong alignment with Astorg, founders and management team
Our Value Creation Strategy
We are working alongside management to:
- Drive sustained revenue growth with a focused commercial approach;
- Demonstrate scalability and operating leverage; and
- Continue to invest in new opportunities to grow the Company’s network and data.
Quote from the Client
“Having enjoyed a fantastic partnership with IK Partners over the last three and a half years whereby all parties were aligned, we look forward to the journey ahead and are excited that IK have decided to reinvest. Our ambition to expand into new markets and scale the business further is something we feel we can comfortably achieve with these investors to support us.”
Emmanuel Tahar, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Third Bridge